Hot Chocolate Systems

These are for reference material only,
We do not sell, rent, or lease any product or equipment.
We can however, direct you to the appropriate source if requested.

*Not all units are as shown, 
Models vary in dimensions, appearance, and style. Functionality remain the same.
~Examples only~

'Liquid' or 'Powder'
 Hot Chocolate Units

These units take a Powdered Hot Chocolate Mix, or a Hot Chocolate Liquid.
Liquid units take either a 1.8 litre sealed container;
or by tin container, which uses a vacuum device to Mix and Froth.

Manuals/Brouchers for the above items:

* See FMD1 Manuals in Hot Cap/Espresso page
'Liquid' JetSpray Units

These units take a Hot Chocolate Liquid.
Uses a tin container of Hot Chocolate, which uses a vacuum device to Mix and Froth.

Manuals/Brouchers for the above items:

* Jet Spray CC10 Parts Manual
* Jet Spray HC20 Parts Manual
* Jet Spray HCL30 Parts Manual




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